Archive for 'weddings'

Ashley & Tyler make some pretty awesome friends and an even better couple. This wedding has been a long time coming. We had everything set up for February, but Ashley’s dear daddy had a medical emergency. After several stressful months he’s at a healthy place and was able to walk his daughter down the aisle (and wearing a FOB or Father of the Bride baseball cap too!). The wedding even took place on his farm outside of Cairo.

Tyler is a huge football fan – but FSU specifically. Ashley wore a Seminoles garter. She was also wise enough to plan the wedding around the football season. 😉

It was an exceptionally windy day! The veil played nice for the portraits, but was mischievous during the ceremony.


The ceremony took place under the most unique arch I’ve ever seen with my own two eyes! It was a gorgeous arch covered in greenery and red roses which complimented the bride’s flowers and bridesmaids dresses.

See those great big smiles? That’s about the time my eyes start to tear up. I just love people in love! By the by, the minister? That’s Tyler’s dad!

After the ceremony, we were whisked away in a golf cart for some portraits. Every wedding should have a golf cart. Way more fun than they should be!

This was one fun gang to photograph! Look at all those smiles!

After a few more portraits, we joined everyone back at the tent for toasts, dinner, cake, and dancing!

Thanks for letting me be a part of your special day, Ashley & Tyler! Can’t wait to show you the rest of the photos!

Bride’s Wedding Dress: Vocelles | The Bridal Shoppe
Bride’s Make-up: Randi Buchanan & Co | A Makeup Design Groupe
Bride’s Hair: Randazzles Hair Company
Wedding Planner: Sheila Melton
Flowers: Singletary’s Flowers
Cupcakes: Lucy & Leo’s Cupcakery

This week I delivered the absolutely lovely artist designed wedding book to Anna & Dane. Before I show off the fantastic book, here’s some of my favorite images from their wedding day.

I absolutely had to show you these photos first. Because these are two of the most fun folks I’ve ever met! Their families are precious too!

Anna decided to wear a fantastic pair of blue shoes! And Gin Creek provided the perfect backdrop for the day.

I always love the moments when the bride puts on her wedding dress!

Anna was stunning and so poised!

The bridesmaids wore fantastic (and fun!) short green dresses.

Anna is blessed with a large family.

Did I mention that this is a fun group?
A fantastically fun group who had me in stitches most of the day.
I’m pretty sure the guys created some photo ops on their own. 😉
Dane’s got a group of sweethearts. It’s true. And you can tell his momma I said so!
Some very proud men in here.
Anna’s sister and brother serenaded us before the ceremony.
Not so secretly, I adore the first look.
These two? Excited to get married? Completely.
This may be my favorite of the day. Yep. Makes me smile every single time.
Dane & Anna love it so much that they look at it every day. They ordered a 20 x 40 inch gallery wrapped canvas & it hangs proudly over their bed.
Their friends? Sure can cut a rug!
I’ve got my tickets to the gun show! Dane is a football coach and Anna teaches physical education.
Dane’s sweet mother and darling sister. Part of one wonderful family!
Congrats, Mr. & Mrs. Holihan! And best wishes! Thank you for letting me be a part of your wedding day!

Someone always has a friend of a friend of a friend story, right? Well, this is mine! I photographed Dorrie’s wedding where Holly and Ginger were bridesmaids…and then photographed their weddings too!

Holly left some super sweet words on my facebook fan page. Have I mentioned that Holly is one of my favorite librarians and quite the wordsmith?

“Ansley shot my engagement photos in February and my wedding photos in April. I can’t say enough about the stellar level of service she provides. Her pictures are absolutely beautiful. She is so creative and finds a way to inject the soul of her subjects into the photos. Her work is consistently awesome, too- she was the photographer at my best friend’s wedding which is how I knew about her- and I can tell you she did beautiful work there, and at my wedding, and at a recent wedding of another friend. She’s extremely professional in her work, but by the time you’ve walked down that aisle, you’ll consider her a friend.”

Want to see some of their engagement & wedding photos? We did their engagement photos in and near the Ray Charles Plaza.

Joe owns a local car shop and I thought it was too perfect that we found a tire ghost sign on the brick wall.

The Ray Charles Plaza has a giant piano space that’s great for sitting or a goof off spot.

Holly’s wedding dress was close fitting and vintage inspired. Her veil is still one of my favorites – absolutely lovely and suits her just so!

Holly’s father walked her through the garden and, as tradition states, gave her away to Joe.

Don’t you just adore the way Joe looks at Holly? They’re oh so very much in love and this is ALWAYS how he looks at her. Makes me mushy inside.

Their wedding cakes were both unique. The white on white cake included text from the ceremony as well as love quotes. The groom’s cake featured motorcross & a truck with exceptionally large wheels.

Not only does Joe spend his days working on cars, he also restored a vintage car just in time for the wedding. They drove off in it at the end of the night!

Thanks for inviting me to spend your wedding day with you, Holly & Joe! If you have any more friends getting married let them know about me – I’ll snap your photo again anytime!

Kind words make me blush. Monika wrote these about me.

“Ansley is not only an amazing photographer; she is also an exceptionally patient person. I can’t express how important patience is when the event being photographed is a wedding. There were so many things to stress over during the course of our last minute wedding, but the photos were not one of them. Ansely’s talent, serene disposition, and ability to have us all laughing is evident throughout our amazing wedding photos. We have gotten numerous compliments on the pictures and eagerly recommend her to for all photo necessary events.”

Monkia & Kris had a very sweet ceremony with loads of little touches. It was small and intimate but guests came from as far away as Germany. Everything was unique and I spent nearly every second of the day smiling because of all the fun and love.

Their wedding took place in Lichgate Park on High Road in Tallahassee, Florida. You really should check out the location – it’s absolutely lovely. Monika got ready in the quaint little cabin.

The couple opted for a First Look. If I haven’t mentioned it, First Looks are the way to go! It’s no longer considered’s bad luck to see each other before the ceremony. And there’s some pretty big advantages to a First Look session. Such as being able to take all the formal portraits before the ceremony – which means getting to the party (or reception) in a timely manner and enjoying your guests longer.

First Look sessions are always full of emotion and love. Plus, you get to say all those things you can’t say when you’re at the end of the aisle and in front of your family. I won’t say what these two said, but it was very sweet. I may have teared up.

There were slews of unique touches! Monika’s sister even made her wedding dress! When you see Kris notice the photo in his chest pocket. It’s a photograph of him with his father & grandparents. They had passed away and it was his way of ensuring they were a presence in his wedding.

Speaking of dad’s, Monika’s insisted on coming down with a shotgun. And I’m so glad he did! Look at the smiles on those faces!

The bride and groom each wrote their own vows. Kris was very proud he had memorized his – Monika brought a back up just in case.

The groom’s mother escorted him down the aisle.

While the father of the bride walked her down the aisle.

The ceremony took place under the branches of Lichgate Park’s massive oak tree.

Yep, it was a barefoot wedding! Thanks for letting me be a part of your big day, Monika & Kris! Hope you’re enjoying Denver (and make sure you run into me next time you’re in town).

PS – before we head out, do you have a photo that just makes you giggle every time you see it? I’m finishing up with mine. 🙂

Did you giggle? Maybe snicker a bit? Awesome.

Bonnie & Will decided to have an absolutely lovely sunset wedding by the reflecting pool and garden in Maclay Gardens. Late February delivered bright sunshiny weather and beautiful blossoms all over the gardens. It was a small intimate ceremony followed by a reception in the Cottage.

Bonnie & Will: Wedding

Bonnie bought many of her wedding accessories from

Bonnie & Will: Wedding

That’s one happy momma!

Bonnie & Will: Wedding

Her Victorian era dress fit her style perfectly (and may be one of the prettiest I’ve ever seen!).

Bonnie & Will: Wedding

Maclay Gardens has slews of wonderful trees – this one is my favorite though.

Bonnie & Will: Wedding

Both Bonnie & Will had a Best Man.

Bonnie & Will: Wedding

Bonnie & Will: Wedding

Bonnie & Will: Wedding

Bonnie & Will: Wedding

Weddings are always extra fun when you’ve got fun fellows!

Bonnie & Will: Wedding

Bonnie’s family came back to Tally from the west coast to be with her for the wedding celebration.

Bonnie & Will: Wedding

It always helps when there’s a band of Merry Mobsters! (Pun completely intended).

Bonnie & Will: Wedding

Congrats to Bonnie & Will! May you love each other more with each passing day!

Click here to see the rest of their wedding celebration!