Posts Tagged 'plantation'

Boy howdy, folks, have I been busy lately! Between the end of the semester, defending my prospectus, and then traveling up North? Phew, I’m exhausted!

Before I left for Rhode Island, a conference at Yale, and then a quick visit to NYC, I photographed TJ & Ashley’s beautiful wedding.

tj and ashley

And right when I got back, there was Jessica & Jeff’s stunning and sweet beach wedding.

jeff & jessica

Keep your eyes peeled for both of those weddings coming up over the next month.

Lately I’ve been doing some headshots. On the left we have Deb who wanted an updated headshot for her international job search. On the right we have Alea who needed a headshot for her SGA presidency at Bainbridge State College.


Next up is Nikki. Once upon this past fall, she was one of my photography students (and her son just finished my photo class this spring too). Things changed drastically this spring when her husband passed unexpectedly. It was especially difficult as she also worked to finish the semester. There were days and weeks when she had her doubts (though I never did), but she succeeded and graduated from Florida State University this May! I am tremendously proud of my friend’s accomplishments and her resilience! In one of these photos you’ll see  her holding a framed image of her and her husband – it was important to her to have him by her side for this event since he had supported her through her education and over half her life.



Last up for today we have Jana! She just turned 22 and had a Kate Spade themed birthday dinner (lucky gal!). We couldn’t resist taking a fun portrait and headshot of the lass to celebrate the event!

jana birthday


So forgive me for being tremendously busy, my dear friends. I hope these photos make up for it a little. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to hop back to the dissertation process and work on putting together my summer art appreciation courses. 😀


Dee & Dustin were wed under an oak tree on a family friend’s plantation in South Georgia. They were surrounded by those who love them and their alter included photos of family members who are no longer present but still very important to them both. Hay bales covered with family quilts and blankets were provided for guests, but this was a standing room only event that was overflowing with love and details. Never have I ever seen so many flowers at one wedding! The “saucey” favors were a hit among the guests and Dee made sure to add special touches everywhere she could. She even had 7 different types of cakes! Something for everyone! The band played late into the night and a joyous time was had by all.

But, as we all know, not everything goes according to plan. Although it had been bright and sunny the day before, the rains combined with the 5 miles of dirt road to travel caused a nearly 2 hour delay with the guests and ceremony. We had a heart-to-heart and decided to return to the plantation at a later date for the couple’s formal portraits. It’s exceptionally rare to find a truly amazing couple who are not just completely wildly madly in love, but willing to completely go with me on an idea. Without trust and vision, the photograph of them in the swamp, one of my favorite wedding photos from any wedding I’ve shot, would have never happened. I am lucky and blessed to have shared in their love before, during, and after their wedding.

I hope you enjoy viewing their photos – this is the largest photo post I’ve ever made from one wedding! There were just too many great ones (as if there’s such a thing). 😛

Photographer: Ansley Studio, LLC
Location: Tinnerbrook (family friend’s plantation) in Quitman, Georgia
Florist: Annell’s Flower Shop of Cairo, Georgia
Dress Shop: A New Image of Thomasville, Georgia
Hair: Today Hair Innovators of Thomasville, Georgia
Makeup: Lauren Legette Turner
Caterer: Chuck Thomas & The Cook Crew (groom’s father & friends)
Wedding Favors: Hot Tar, Inc.

Let my bride know her photos are up and she texted back with, “So good! I started crying.” WONDERFUL!

My photography from this wedding has been published by Style Me Pretty and  Thomasville Bridal Scene magazine (cover and center spread).

Somedays, the sunlight is just perfect. The day I met Amberlyn for a few senior portraits at a friend’s plantation was one of those days.  What makes it better? Having a lovely lass to joke around with in front of my camera. Have a great senior year, Amberlyn!

Alea is a junior at Scholar’s in Thomasville and wanted fantastic prom photos to go with her fantastic dress. “Pretty much, I don’t want my prom photos to look like yours.” Gee thanks, kid. 😛

Wheeler was happy to come along for the big night out. I found a lovely & grand local plantation for the shoot. It was a ton of fun all around and I can’t wait ’til next years prom!

Don’t worry, they didn’t take the bike to prom – but we did borrow it for a few shots!