Violet & Ceilia are just a few weeks old. And they’re the sweetest string beans I’ve met in quite some time! First up is Violet – she is calm, reserved, and very content to snuggle.
Meet Ceilia! She loves to stretch out and take up as much room as she possibly can. I suspect she was the one doing kicks while she was inside her mama. Not that mama minded.
These two are pros when it comes to sleeping. And snuggling.
Even though it’s fall, it was still warm enough outside for some portraits of the whole family.
It’s extra special when the grandparents can lend a helping hand. Can you believe these are grandbabies 6 & 7 for them?
Little babies means little hands and little feet. Teeny tiny!
Their mama is a printmaker and the running joke with her friends is that these girls are her edition of 2! It’s awfully sweet I think. We were able to take a family portrait in her studio that her husband built. These girls have some amazing (and amazingly talented) parents to look up to as they grow!
I think the girls like to cozy up with mom and dad best of all.
This is my favorite. With a name like Violet I figured mom might just like the color purple. Maybe a little. I was thrilled when I saw this beautiful quilt she made, with another one in the works.
It was absolutely lovely getting to spend time with this wonderful family! Plus, I got to snuggle these wee lasses and walked away with double the baby smell. And that would put a smile on anyone’s face.