Posts Tagged 'providence'

James and I have been shooting all over the south since we met. We were paired up for a group photography exhibition at Florida State University. My friend Amy was the gallery director and said, “you two should hang out. Go exploring together or something. Make art.”

That was about 11 years ago. Even though we’ve both moved several times we’ve still gone adventuring and kept in contact. It’s no secret he’s one of my nearest and dearest friends. I’d say that’s the end of the sappy post but I’d be lying.

I’ve just spent the last week getting to know his girlfriend Sarah. Guys. She’s kinda awesome (and so sweet she could be a Disney princess). And together they’re even better. They’re both supportive of each others creative goals and they love in a way that is tremendous and overflowing. As the Frogs say, “it’s only right and natural.”

It’s pretty gross. But only in the best possible way. Keep scrolling to see how happy these lovebirds are. Beware, these two smooched all over Roger William Park in Providence!






Everybody all together, aww! Told you! Look at that little foot pop!

James and Sarah, I leave Rhode Island filled with love and Del’s frozen lemonade (well, isn’t that the same thing?). I can’t wait to spend time with ya’ll in the future!