Posts Tagged 'Owl'

Remember Carolyn & Skyler from their maternity photos? Well lookie what they made! I was lucky enough to visit all 3 of them in the hospital when he was a mere 36 hours old. And Finn’s Zanna let me snap a few photos of the two of them.

I visited everyone at home when wee little Finn was just 10 days old. His room has more owls in one place than I’ve ever seen! Happy! By the by, I think Baby Finn and His Owls would be a great band name. Maybe he’ll get to use dad’s fancy Gibson when he’s older! 🙂

I adore that we were able to incorporate that special item into his portraits. Speaking of special items, Grandma made both of his owl sleepers (with hats) AND that beautiful blue blanket. That poor blanket has already been taken everywhere and washed more times than I can count!

Welcome to the world, Finn! And thanks for letting me snuggle you!