Posts Tagged 'downtown thomasville'

Boy howdy, folks, have I been busy lately! Between the end of the semester, defending my prospectus, and then traveling up North? Phew, I’m exhausted!

Before I left for Rhode Island, a conference at Yale, and then a quick visit to NYC, I photographed TJ & Ashley’s beautiful wedding.

tj and ashley

And right when I got back, there was Jessica & Jeff’s stunning and sweet beach wedding.

jeff & jessica

Keep your eyes peeled for both of those weddings coming up over the next month.

Lately I’ve been doing some headshots. On the left we have Deb who wanted an updated headshot for her international job search. On the right we have Alea who needed a headshot for her SGA presidency at Bainbridge State College.


Next up is Nikki. Once upon this past fall, she was one of my photography students (and her son just finished my photo class this spring too). Things changed drastically this spring when her husband passed unexpectedly. It was especially difficult as she also worked to finish the semester. There were days and weeks when she had her doubts (though I never did), but she succeeded and graduated from Florida State University this May! I am tremendously proud of my friend’s accomplishments and her resilience! In one of these photos you’ll see  her holding a framed image of her and her husband – it was important to her to have him by her side for this event since he had supported her through her education and over half her life.



Last up for today we have Jana! She just turned 22 and had a Kate Spade themed birthday dinner (lucky gal!). We couldn’t resist taking a fun portrait and headshot of the lass to celebrate the event!

jana birthday


So forgive me for being tremendously busy, my dear friends. I hope these photos make up for it a little. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to hop back to the dissertation process and work on putting together my summer art appreciation courses. 😀


Amberlyn is my littlest sister’s best friend. And she even volunteers with me at the Zebulon Theater in Cairo. I was thrilled when I found out she wanted me to take her senior portraits. And let me tell you, this chick and I had a blast and then some!

We met up at her family’s home outside of Thomasville and then ventured into Thomasville’s big oak and a nifty little garden. Check out the gorgeous smile on this lass! What’s even better? She’s got the brains to match! This is a Scholars Academy girl! Good luck with your Senior Year, Amberlyn!

Neha is a darling lass in Thomasville. She’ll be graduating from Thomas County Central High School this upcoming year. We met up downtown and explored slews of places and had a blast despite the heat & gnats.

She brought a few outfits to change into but, by far, her smile is the best! Ok ok, enough of me being a cheese ball. On to the photos!

Interested in your own Senior Session? Email Ansley  at for more info or check out our Portrait Guide!