Posts Tagged 'albany georgia wedding'

Someone always has a friend of a friend of a friend story, right? Well, this is mine! I photographed Dorrie’s wedding where Holly and Ginger were bridesmaids…and then photographed their weddings too!

Holly left some super sweet words on my facebook fan page. Have I mentioned that Holly is one of my favorite librarians and quite the wordsmith?

“Ansley shot my engagement photos in February and my wedding photos in April. I can’t say enough about the stellar level of service she provides. Her pictures are absolutely beautiful. She is so creative and finds a way to inject the soul of her subjects into the photos. Her work is consistently awesome, too- she was the photographer at my best friend’s wedding which is how I knew about her- and I can tell you she did beautiful work there, and at my wedding, and at a recent wedding of another friend. She’s extremely professional in her work, but by the time you’ve walked down that aisle, you’ll consider her a friend.”

Want to see some of their engagement & wedding photos? We did their engagement photos in and near the Ray Charles Plaza.

Joe owns a local car shop and I thought it was too perfect that we found a tire ghost sign on the brick wall.

The Ray Charles Plaza has a giant piano space that’s great for sitting or a goof off spot.

Holly’s wedding dress was close fitting and vintage inspired. Her veil is still one of my favorites – absolutely lovely and suits her just so!

Holly’s father walked her through the garden and, as tradition states, gave her away to Joe.

Don’t you just adore the way Joe looks at Holly? They’re oh so very much in love and this is ALWAYS how he looks at her. Makes me mushy inside.

Their wedding cakes were both unique. The white on white cake included text from the ceremony as well as love quotes. The groom’s cake featured motorcross & a truck with exceptionally large wheels.

Not only does Joe spend his days working on cars, he also restored a vintage car just in time for the wedding. They drove off in it at the end of the night!

Thanks for inviting me to spend your wedding day with you, Holly & Joe! If you have any more friends getting married let them know about me – I’ll snap your photo again anytime!